Success stories

Mr Chandler – from loneliness and hairlessness to happiness and love
In a quiet village, whispers circulated about an old dog, afflicted by a severe skin infection that had stripped him of his fur, rendering him vulnerable and, to some, unappealing. Sadly, he was often shunned by those who couldn’t bear to witness his distress. When I first approached him, he trembled with fear, likely haunted by the countless harsh encounters he’d faced on the streets.
But through patient effort, I managed to earn his trust enough to rescue him and take him to the hospital for a thorough examination. The diagnosis was heartbreaking—he not only struggled with his skin issues but also battled kidney disease, thyroid troubles, severe anemia, and vision impairments.
Returning him to the streets wasn’t an option. Instead, I arranged for temporary shelter. Sadly, it became evident he wasn’t receiving adequate care, prompting me to take him under my wing until we could find him a permanent home in a shelter.
Over the past five weeks, witnessing his transformation has been truly heartening. With gentle baths, careful medication, nutritious meals, leisurely strolls, and soothing eye drops, Chandler—once a trembling soul—has begun to bloom into a creature of renewed vitality and trust.
This remarkable dog, Mr. Chandler, deserves a lifetime of love and care. His tentative steps alongside his newfound companions, his eager response to his name, his peaceful slumber in a warm bed, and the wag of his tail when he sees a friendly face—it’s all a testament to the resilience of the canine spirit.
As Chandler’s journey towards a brighter future unfolds, I remain hopeful that he’ll soon find a forever home, where he’ll be cherished and adored. Let his story serve as a reminder of the profound impact of compassion and kindness. No act of kindness is too small when it comes to rescuing and caring for street dogs like Chandler, no matter how they may appear to others.
Azita – from watching her children die to a life of comfort and safety with her daughter
Azita’s journey has been marked by profound trials. Two years ago, her world was forever altered when a heartless act transpired—a villager threw a stone, causing irreparable damage to her right eye and leaving her with a painful corneal ulcer.
Her life, already fraught with challenges, only grew more daunting. Year after year, she endured the anguish of bringing new life into the world, only to witness the heartbreaking loss of most of her offspring due to the unforgiving streets. With each passing day, she scavenged tirelessly for sustenance, struggling to protect her young from the perils that lurked around every corner.
It was in April, amidst her tireless struggle, that Susheela’s path intertwined with Azita’s. Fresh from giving birth to seven fragile souls, Azita was overwhelmed, her strength waning as she fought to care for her newborns. Susheela stepped in, offering sustenance—feeding her two to three times daily and providing essential supplements to fortify her weary body.
In August, faced with the reality of her circumstances, Susheela made the compassionate decision to sterilize her, aiming to spare her from the relentless cycle of reproduction. Yet, fate had more challenges in store. In October, a diagnosis of TVT cancer in her vagina rocked their hopes. Undeterred, Susheela embarked on a journey of healing, administering four rounds of chemotherapy until the tumor mass dissipated.
As November unfolded, Azita confronted yet another trial. Despite Susheela’s unwavering efforts and consultations with specialists, her injured eye remained a source of unrelenting agony. With heavy hearts, they opted for enucleation surgery, removing the source of her suffering. In the weeks since, Azita has been under Susheela’s attentive care, slowly healing from the ordeal.
Susheela’s fervent wish is for Azita to find peace and comfort in the days ahead—a life free from pain and turmoil. Each visit to the hospital was a terrifying ordeal for her, and Susheela prays she never has to endure such trials again. Though Azita’s age remains uncertain, she stands as a symbol of resilience, potentially one of the eldest dogs in their village.
To all who have rallied behind Azita—whether through generous donations for her treatments or simply holding her in their thoughts—Susheela extends her deepest gratitude.
Azita’s story illuminates the immense challenges faced by female street dogs. If you feel moved to make a difference, consider reaching out to a street dog in your neighborhood. Start with simple acts of kindness, like providing food and earning their trust. Take proactive steps by seeking veterinary care to ensure their well-being, and if possible, consider offering them a loving home, even in their adulthood. Together, we can transform the lives of street dogs like Azita, one compassionate act at a time.
In the end, Susheela made a heartfelt decision to adopt Azita. Seeing the immense suffering Azita endured in her old age, Susheela believed she deserved a place to retire without further struggle. With one of Azita’s daughters still by her side, Susheela couldn’t bear to separate them. Thus, she adopted them both.
Three and a half years later, they remain inseparable—the closest duo ever seen. They eat, sleep, and play together, bringing immeasurable joy to all who witness their bond. In Susheela’s care, Azita and her daughter have found a sanctuary of love and peace, where they can live out their days surrounded by warmth and affection.
Karthik – from near death to a life of hope
When Susheela stumbled upon him lying helpless in the road, and as she sat beside him, waiting for assistance, the indifferent voices of passersby echoed around them. “You can leave, just go home,” they said dismissively, “he will die soon.”
But Karthik defied their grim predictions. Right there on the pavement, amidst the uncertainty, Susheela made a silent vow to do whatever it took to help this boy. They whisked him away to safety, though in the following days, his fate remained uncertain. With each passing moment, it seemed as if his very survival hung in the balance. His blood levels were all askew, and the road ahead seemed dauntingly unclear. Yet, in the depths of her heart, Susheela knew she had to give him a chance.
And Karthik fought. Through the agony and anguish, his will to live burned brightly. It’s unfathomable, the trials he endured during his 1.5-month hospital stay and subsequent recovery. Despite all efforts, it became apparent that Karthik needed a drastic measure to survive. Susheela made the difficult decision for him to undergo amputation, removing his front leg. But even this setback couldn’t dampen his spirit.
Today, Karthik continues to radiate happiness and vitality. His resilience knows no bounds, as he fearlessly embraces life with boundless energy. The loss of a limb hasn’t hindered his zest for life.
It’s worth noting that Karthik’s journey could have had a much bleaker outcome. The first hospital he was admitted to gave him a mere one month to live. Thankfully, Susheela sought a second opinion, which proved to be a lifeline for Karthik. Had it not been for this critical intervention, the infected leg would likely have cost him his life. Karthik’s story stands as a testament to the importance of seeking multiple perspectives, ensuring that every avenue for survival is explored.
The road to Karthik’s recovery was paved with countless hospital trips, consultations, treatments, and tests—all made possible by the boundless love and support from beautiful souls across the globe. Your generosity covered his medical bills, including the life-saving amputation surgery. Words cannot express Susheela’s gratitude to each and every one of you who contributed.
A heartfelt thank you to Rahul at K9Connections shelter in Chennai ECR, where Karthik has found finally his forever home, he couldn’t be in better hands and continues to live his life in peace, good health and safety.
Karthik’s story serves as a poignant reminder: never give up on street dogs. Every act of kindness, no matter how small, can change the course of their lives. You never know—the ending might just be a happily ever after.
Pekka – from an unwanted and neglected street dog to a loved and valued three legged rescue boy
On July 30th, Susheela found a puppy in her village who appeared to be starving, with one leg swollen like an elephant’s. Though she had seen him a few times before, he always seemed to be hiding from the bigger dogs, looking lonely and scared. It was evident that he had no friends or family. Uncertain of what had befallen him, one thing was clear: he was in no condition to be left alone on the streets. Susheela made the decision to rescue him and bring him home. Asking around the village yielded no answers; no one seemed to know anything about him or care about his plight. Undeterred, she took him to a vet in Chennai the next day.
The vet’s diagnosis was grim: Pekka had two huge wounds on his leg with exposed bone, significant pus accumulation, and severe swelling in the leg and testicles. The doctor warned that they might not be able to save his leg and discussed the possibility of amputation. Nonetheless, they resolved to try their best, embarking on a treatment plan involving daily wound care, antibiotics, and other medications, with frequent visits to the vet.
The very next day after the vet visit, Pekka suffered a sudden seizure and lost consciousness. Fear gripped Susheela as she watched him, unsure if he would survive. Acting swiftly, she reached out to Elaine, who provided emergency care and fluids. At one point, Pekka’s condition seemed so dire that Elaine couldn’t even detect his pulse. Returning home, Susheela sat by his side the entire day, willing him to recover. In that moment, she made a solemn promise to him: if he fought to live, she would ensure he never returned to the streets and that he would have a happy and healthy future. And miraculously, after a few hours, this tenacious little spirit slowly rose to his feet, as if to say, “I’m not going anywhere”.
After this, day by day, things seemed to slowly be getting better. Susheela and Pekka made frequent trips to the hospital for his daily medications, wound cleaning, flushing, and dressing. Gradually, Pekka started eating well and gained weight. Susheela ensured he was dewormed and meticulously removed all the ticks that had infested his tiny body. His skin slowly improved, and the bald patches he once had disappeared. Despite these improvements, his swollen leg still hindered him from stepping properly. However, Pekka’s confidence soared, and he blossomed into the cutest little boy ever.
After 21 days of intensive care, they took a second X-ray to assess the condition of his bone and determine if amputation was necessary. Unfortunately, the X-ray revealed devastating news: the bone had deteriorated rapidly, showing signs of osteomyelitis, an infection of the bone. To prevent the infection from spreading further and risking Pekka’s life, the doctor confirmed the need for immediate amputation. This news weighed heavily on Susheela’s heart. She had hoped to avoid surgery, praying fervently that Pekka’s leg would heal on its own. After all he had been through, she couldn’t bear to see him endure more pain and suffering. Yet, faced with the grim reality of his condition, she knew that amputation was the only way to ensure his survival and give him a chance at a better life.
After consulting with a few other vets, they too advised surgery. Susheela sought more opinions, and some suggested trying another antibiotic directly into the vein to see if it would help. Despite their efforts, Pekka’s condition only worsened. A final X-ray revealed that nothing had improved. On September 2nd, Pekka’s leg was amputated at BMAD, Chennai. The surgery went smoothly, but during recovery, he experienced significant swelling, which was deemed normal, although Susheela couldn’t help but worry. Witnessing Pekka in pain was heart-wrenching. However, after a few days, he showed remarkable improvement, and within about two weeks, the wound had healed. Pekka quickly adapted to life with three legs, astonishingly leaping and bounding like he had always been doing it that way. On walks however, he would tire a bit faster than his companions, Choco and Kumar.
Susheela had already decided that she would start looking for a forever home for Pekka once he had fully recovered. She made a single post about him on social media and planned to intensify her efforts after a week or so. However, she knew that finding a family she could trust enough to entrust her precious baby Pekka to would be extremely challenging. She wanted to be certain that he would be in safe hands for the rest of his life. Like a miracle, just days later, Susheela received a message from the couple who had adopted Chintoo four months earlier (another puppy she rescued few months earlier). They expressed their desire to adopt another dog from her.
About a week later, Susheela nervously arrived at their house with Pekka, unsure if he and Chintoo would get along and become friends. After 30 minutes of mild hostility outdoors, Pekka and Chintoo (now known as Dexter) started to play like crazy. They looked like brothers who had grown up together—playing in perfect harmony, brimming with excitement and zest for life.
And so, Pekka found his forever home in Chennai. Susheela couldn’t explain how much she missed Pekka every day and how special he was. He was a little happy fighter soul, a true blessing to anyone fortunate enough to spend time with him. They used to call him “Business Man” because he would sit very seriously, with his bow and his one hind leg bent, watching you intently as if he meant business.